A Few Household Plumbing Problems
The first to be considered has to do with the toilet a usual problem in this respect is running toilet. A running toilet can make you waste water up to 200 gallons in 1 day if this problem is not nipped in the bud on time. As regards this, it is quite possible for your fill valve to be making noise, although the problem does not lie here.
The fill valve is working more than usual i.e. filling water in the tank without stopping. But the tank will not be filled until the flapper is repaired or replaced. A flapper that is damaged will cause water to leak and you would be able to notice that the condition of non-stop flushing.
There is another most common problem which is the problem related to dry tap which arise due to trap leak and can also arise due to not using the tub frequently. One simple solution to avoid such a problem is to allow water to flow through the tub's drain once in a while and if the trap is broken then replace them as soon as possible.
However, if the problem happens to be clogged drains, then accumulation of dirt, hair, plus other deposits present in your bathtub drain would have made it almost impossible for the passage of water. This, however, can be corrected by making use of the right plumbing tools to clean out your clog.
You experience the problem of clogged drain with your kitchen sink as well. One handy remedy for clearing the clogged drain in your sink is by taking out the water and pouring a solution of baking powder dissolved in water, a cup would do, into your drain. Now pour a lot of hot water into the drain which would solve the problem.
If your sink is now free from water you can pour an additional pot of boiling water to give your drain a clean flush. After which you can, allow cool water to run from your tap some minutes afterwards. This method is known as flushing.
So now you have a list of some of the most common problems that you can have in your home regarding plumbing. This list is by no means exhaustive, but gives you a number of common plumbing problems occurring in the home.
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