4 Ways To Unclog The Bathroom Drain Plumbing
Use natural ingredients found in the home. - An example of this could be baking soda and vinegar. They do not contain any harmful substances and they can be just as effective as the chemical cleaners that are used. They also do not cost much and most people have these at hand. About a half cup of baking soda can be poured into the hole.
Then about a cup of vinegar should be poured over this which will cause a reaction. This is because the baking soda which is alkaline, is reacting with the vinegar which is an acid. After a few seconds run the hot water for a while which will help to flush the debris away.
Use a plumbing snake to remove debris. - This is a tool that plumbers use to get rid of the things that have caused the bathroom drain to clog. One has to be sure that there is nothing blocking the entrance. The cover of the hole has to be removed as well. One can usually find lots of hairs underneath which should be cleaned.
One then has to remove the cover of the hole so that the snake will be able to go through without any obstructions. Sometimes there are hairs and other fibers from washcloths that can be found on the underside of the cover. This has to be removed in order to prevent further blockage.
If the snake does not work, a plunger can help. This tool forces air into the pipes which helps to loosen the clog. There are many who use quick successive movements thinking that this will get rid of the clog quickly. But, this might only cause it not to work as effectively. It is best to press firmly yet slowly at first and then pull it up quickly. This will help to prevent further blockage.
If all else fails, you can use a chemical cleaner to remove the blockage. This should not be used the first time however, because this is a chemical. It has the potential to splash into your face if another methods is used afterwards. If there is nothing more that can be done on your part, it is best to call an expert who has the right equipment to solve the problem.
These are a few of the ways to help clear the channels from the debris that might find its way in the pipes. There are places online such as Toronto Plumbers that sell special covers for bathroom drain plumbing. These covers help to prevent hairs and other debris from entering the hole which can cause blockage. Minimizing the cause as much as possible can help to lessen the chance of clogging.
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