Basic Info About The Various Plumbing Plungers
First, you have the sink or drain plunger. This is the most popular plunger that people are familiar with. It is ubiquitous in homes and most of us know how to use it. The rubber is shaped like an igloo and is attached to a long handle. This plunger is utilized for removing clogs in sinks and drains. There are people who use this plunger for toilets but then it is not that effective since its purpose is different. Better use this only for sinks and drains.
Next, you have the toilet plunger. This plunger is bigger and has this flap underneath that will fit the toilet's drain hole. The manufactured toilet plungers today have a foldable flap that can be folded so the plunger can be used for drains and sinks as well. Bear in mind though that it is better to use a separate plunger for your toilet. This is so you are hygienic all throughout. It is recommended that you buy a separate plunger for each purpose.
Third, you have the Taze plungers. This plunger type is used by professional plumbers to unclog bigger pipes. This is composed of a steel rod with an attached disk which has the same size as the inside of the pipe. This is forced into the pipe creating a high pressure zone. This is usually used by professional plumbers for clearing clogs in large pipes in your house plumbing and commercial plumbing.
The article just detailed a few things that you need to know about the various plumbing plungers that we have in the market. It is recommended that you buy two plungers for your sinks and drains and one for your toilet. You will find that you will be using this at one point or another in your house. You will be experiencing this in your house inevitably.
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